Law of Attraction, is it real?

How I accidentally manifested one of the best experiences of my life by daydreaming my way out of heartbreak...

Many moons ago, long before ‘The Secret’ and the mass marketing of the Law of Attraction, I don’t remember how I came upon the book Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting by Lynn Grabhorn, but after reading it, I vividly remember realizing in horror that I had been living my life completely wrong.  

I wish I knew where, along the line, I had adopted the belief that if I had already thought of something, then it wouldn’t come true because life is meant to be a surprise.   And that if I seemed too happy, then God wouldn’t worry about fulfilling my dreams because she’d think, “Oh, Sarah’s fine, she doesn’t need anything.”  Where on earth did I get these beliefs?!   It’s a mystery I probably should have devoted to a couple of therapy sessions.

After reading ‘Excuse me Your Life is Waiting’ and then discovering Abraham-Hicks, I printed out a bunch of Law of Attraction exercises I found online and went to work as if my life depended on it. Well, quite frankly, my life did depend on it.   As someone who was an expert in melancholia (HSP, INFP, anyone?), the most beneficial aspect of my newfound discovery was realizing I needed to raise my emo vibration out of a state of constant worry. Especially since now I was worried about being worried.   My mantra became “Who cares?” “Who cares?!?”  Perhaps not the sunniest of mantras, but it worked for me. I had been taking myself and my life far too seriously. I needed to lighten up. Anytime an anxious thought dared creep in to ruin my vibe, I would sledgehammer it into submission by shouting “Who Cares?!?” at the top of my lungs. It did work. I did feel somewhat lighter, but a thought kept nagging at me…if the Law of Attraction is real, shouldn’t I be a lounge singer by now? 

Let me explain:  the first time I got my heart broken, I was crushed.  As in, sprawled out on the carpet like a sad, deflated balloon with no will to live, crushed.   My extraordinary father (now my Guardian Angel) flew out from the East coast to stay with me, make sure I ate, and help me through the initial hellish weeks. (I miss him!)  The other person responsible for my survival was Ms Aretha Franklin.  In fact, one of the first things I ever wrote had the title ‘How Aretha saved my life’. No, I didn’t have the honor of knowing her in person- although one day I did learn that we shared the same Sun in Aries and Moon in Cancer astrological signs- I knew we were connected!   My favorite album of all time is a collection of her early recordings called ‘Jazz to Soul’. Some of the tracks included are: ‘Trouble in Mind’, ‘Why Was I Born?’, ‘Every Little Bit Hurts’, ‘(No No), I’m Losing You’, my favorite ‘(Blue) By Myself’ and the heart wrenching ‘Land of Dreams’. It became my morphine.  I would listen to it on repeat on my Walkman. If I had to leave the house, Aretha would come along with me wailing her songs of heartache and lament.  I swear it was the only way I was able to function at the time. Aretha was my lifeline.  

As I would listen to Aretha belting the blues, I would daydream that I was the one singing in a dark, smoky lounge, looking fabulous, with my ex admiring me with regret and longing from a back corner booth.  This was pure fantasy,  I had no illusions or goals to become a lounge singer.  I certainly had no illusions of sounding anything remotely close to Aretha. But this daydream comforted me and was way healthier than my future coping mechanism of getting completely hooked on psychic readings. (see my prior blog post ) If the Law of Attraction is real- shouldn’t I have become a lounge singer?  

My first show at La Poubelle. I was so nervous, I tried to hide behind my microphone.

Well, cut to almost 2 decades later- I did!!! I became a piano bar singer! I don’t know what came over me, but one night as I was driving to meet a friend for dinner, I received a cosmic download from the Universe that I should sing old French songs at the French restaurant ‘La Poubelle’. (Fun fact: my grandfather was a brilliant, yet troubled composer who composed some songs for Edith Piaf, but that’s another story.) That fateful night eventually led to one of the highlights of my life: performing vintage French melodies (including my grandfathers) at the legendary Piano Bar in Hollywood (now tragically torn down) with the incomparable Brother Sal on piano.  We enjoyed a regular weekly gig as ‘La Belle et La Bête’ for a couple of glorious years.  And wouldn’t you know it? An ex-boyfriend made a surprise appearance one night, watching me with longing and regret from a back corner of the bar (which led to round 2, or was it 3?- didn’t end well…) The Law of Attraction is real!   

One of the crucial elements of the Law of Attraction that people tend to miss is the Law of Letting That S**t Go.   You need to dream it, feel it, and then release it into the celestial ether.  Clinging too tightly suffocates your dreams. The key is to envision yourself already basking in the glory of your desires, to elevate your vibes to the higher frequency of manifestation through hypnotic daydreaming and positive feelings, and then—let it fly! Let it fly away into the universal soil of infinite possibilities where it can do its thing, take root and start to grow. And one fine day, you just may be pleasantly surprised how it shows up in your life.

Of course I’m not suggesting you need to wait decades for your dreams to come true. Some of my dreams came true much faster! Especially if I actually took actions towards making them happen. But be open to how they will actually manifest into your reality. Some things are meant to be a surprise!

Are you a Daydream Believer?

I have a gift for you! A very special hypnoaudio recording called Daydream Believin’. Put on your headphones and experience the magic of hypnotic daydreaming for yourself, and hey, maybe one day you too will be a lounge singer, belting the blues while your ex watches you with longing and regret from a dark corner booth.   You can find it for free here:


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